Unit 6 Critical Approaches

  • Player defining session
  • Player/Audience
  • Research - Audience Profiling
  • Qualitative Audience Research - Questionnaire, specific questions that will require a longer answer about certain topic.
  • Quantitative Audience Research - statistics such as average player count of similar games, age ratings, what classifications does similar games have (blood, violence, bad language etc.)
  • Demographics? Age rating, business model, gender
  • Psychographics? 
  • Bartle's Taxonomy of Player types (Deck of cards)
    • Achievers (Diamonds)
      • Goals
      • Like a challenge
    • Explorers (Spades)
      • Like to discover
    • Socialisers (Hearts)
      • Like to fellowship
    • Killers (Clubs)
      • Like to destruction
  • Leblanc's Taxonomy of Pleasures
    1. Sensation - Aesthetics
    2. Fantasy - Fictional World
    3. Narrative - Story Unfolding
    4. Challenge - Solving Puzzle
    5. Fellowship - Community
    6. Discovery - Secret Feature
    7. Expression - Create & Build
    8. Submission - Escape Real World
  • Achievers
  • Explorers
  • Socialisers
  • Killers
  • S.E.S.
    • Low: Sport & Console
    • High: ? & P.C.
  • Low S.E.S
    • Low Academic Achievement
    • Poverty
    • Poor Health
    • Inequities
  • Girls
    • Rejected as being identified as gamers.
  • Boys
    • Ego. Aggressive. Over-Sexualised Content.
  • Corporate/Learning Gamer
    • Schools
      • Education & Technology
    • Games create an engaging & motivational environment.
  • Big tech firms
    • FB free
    • WhatsApp
    • 10 years ago - 20% humans had access to the internet
    • Now it is 50% humans around the world
    • Misinformation
  • V.R.
    • Demographics, race
    • Closing S.E.S. Gap
  • Examples (of a game and gamer of this game) & Explain Why

  • Audience Responses & Culture of that 'Player' (Notes & write 250 words)

  • Consumer - Jacob
  • Male
  • Skinny
  • Living in flat on his own
  • Black curly hair
  • 1 Bed House
  • Ford Fiesta '06
  • Sainsburys
  • £4000 income
  • English
  • Owns a budget PC
  • Game: League of Legends

  • Synthesizer - Mark
  • Male
  • Skinny
  • Lives with parent
  • Aspiring Software Development Student
  • Doesn't own a car/driving license
  • Short, brown hair
  • Part-time work at GAME
  • £1500 income
  • English
  • Owns mid-range PC and PS4
  • Game: Garry's Mod

  • Creator - Diana
  • Female
  • Skinny and tall
  • Living in a single house with husband
  • Long, Blonde hair
  • Glasses
  • Range Rover Evoque '19
  • £77000 income (roughly)
  • Lead Game Developer
  • Belgian/English (for 7 years)
  • Owns a high-end PC, PS4 and NS
  • Game: Assassin's Creed Origins

  • Guided experience of story - Assassin's Creed series
  • Parameter based construction - GTA 5 Clothing shop
  • Blank template - Civilization series map editor
  • Ex nihilo - Golden Axe (1989)

  • Player cultural competence
  • Culture pattern of behaviour
  • Thoughts, Comms, Actions, Customs, Beliefs, Valves, Ethnicity, Social Group (representation)
We must:
  1. Value diversity
  2. Capacity cultural assessment
  3. When cultures interact...conscious dynamics
  4. Institutionalised culture knowledge
  5. Adapt to culture
  • Player types session notes
  • Audience theory applicable for games dev
  • Game responses:
    • Negotiated
      • Own values & opinions are applied to that game
      • Story affected by the player
      • Story can affect player (two way street)
      • Stanley Parable - game is a perfect example of negotiated game responses as basically everything you do, every choice and way you take, can change the story and show you a different ending.
    • Preferred
      • What the public will take from the game (e.g. an ideal world, Marcus Fenix)
    • Oppositional
      • Player will oppose the game
      • e.g. Pitch Perfect's Fat Amy
      • GTA V Trevor Philips
    • Participatory
      • Encourage player to level up
      • Clear path, limited tools, awareness of the next level
      • Lego Star Wars
    • Culture differences & need to be accurate
    • Fan Culture
    • Passive Player
      • Accepting opinions
      • Paying little attention
      • Watching a game
      • Outer Wilds
    • Active player
      • Forming opinions
      • Full engagement
      • Playing game
    • War of the Worlds 1938 - Orson Wells
      • Mass media broadcast
      • Aliens have landed at a locations and are murdering humans
      • Propaganda
    • Hypodermic Needle Model theory
    • Semiotics
      • Shirt, Haircut, Tattoos, Dress (mise en scene)
      • Every cultural activity produces a blip on the Richter scale
      • Trace of meaning
    • Example of semiotics in games:
      • Character Levels (Player or enemies) - defining a RPG game
      • Guns and mask covering whole face except eyes and mouth - terrorists   
  • Violence Theory
  • Violence - Causing physical harm
  • 18 Certificate - PEGI 18: "The adult classification is applied when the level of violence reaches a stage where it becomes a depiction of gross violence, apparently motiveless killing, or violence towards defenceless characters."
  • PEGI Certificates
  • Playing violent video games will inreaces aggressive behaviour
  • Meta-analytic review of children & young adults
    • Psychological arousal & aggressive thoughts & feelings
  • Playing them decreases prosocial behaviour
  • Unclear - Video Games cause violence and murder
  • https://www.cbsnews.com/news/violent-video-games-kevin-mccarthy-trump-blame-video-game-makers-backlash-after-el-paso-shooting-2019-08-06/
  • Social Learning assumes mind cannot differentiate physical & T.I.A.G (This Is A Game)
  • Catharsis hypothesis - Natural biological Drive requires release
    • Desire to mate, prime aggression
    • Displaced through activities - sports, walking, excercise
    • Aggression decreases when video gaming over time
    • Helps cope with stress
  • Mood managment
    • Choose media to fit current mood, goal is to improve it
    • Regretful people will often choose violent media
    • Depression, pre-cursors - helplessness
  • Game characters (empowerment)
    •  Powerful, in control
  • Do humens alleviate depression in real worlds or in video gaming?
  • Gamers, violent, long time (years)
    • Decrease in hostile feelings & depression 
    • Crime never correlates to video game violence
  • Desensitation...to a crime but never commit it
  • Overt action
  • Sex in video games
  • sexually objectified characters:
  • Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)
  •  Image result for lara croft
  •  Jim Raynor (StarCraft)
  • Related image
  • Arousal/Hedonic valence model (discusted at content) theory
  • human exposure to character leads to aggression
  • Gaming overtime - Likely males condone negative stereotypes 
  • G.L.M - General Learning Model
  • Humans' cognitive function, this explains reaction to sex & violence in video games
  • Paragraph should be indented. 
  • Leading & Kerning, spaces between lines and letters.
  • References
  • Images
  • Underline keywords
