
The first day of the project I created a gantt chart template which later on we added tasks for each person.
Then i worked on Contingency Plan (Team crisis management) for our project, to make sure we have back-ups when there are some situations happening.
My role in group project is mostly coding but as you can see above i did some of the management for my team


Meeting (Team)

- Agenda, Chairperson, Video Recording (Photo)
- Date and Day, Participants
- Regretsl
- Actions to be taken (2nded), propose it (1x Person)
- 2x People
- Majority Vote
- A.O.B. New business?
- Next meeting agreed. Weekly.

Today, I've got move to an Assistant Producer role, due to the majority of votes on the meeting. We're starting an UE4 project. I've updated our Contingency Plan, as well as Gantt Chart, made it more up to date and also managed a trello board.

I started UE4 project to work on the coding 
SMART Targets for Nine Men's Morris 

Make a logic for the game to count and switch turns between players. To do this i need to make different pawns/counters to represent both players and allow to change them every click. I would have to finish this by the end of next Wednesday 13/05/2020 at 13:00.


  1. What is your team crisis management and details of agenda from today?

    What is your role and show development in your role on this page. Screen grabs? Notes?

  2. show your coding and explain what you have developed.


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